screenshot of Gino Pezzani looking at email data

Email marketing: one of the most important tools for company brand building and product exposure

When done correctly by building compliant GDPR databases by customer consent, STUDIO 1 can design, deliver and automate email marketing campaigns across secure servers and monitor customer behaviour, activity and trends for business development and sales. Our email marketing solutions are performance driven, reporting a host of analytics that include customer activity, hyperlink activity, social sharing and forwarding data, clicks over time reporting, and worldview real-time monitoring.

STUDIO 1 designs email marketing campaign and builds customer databases for many local, national and global companies. We write unique content for website news pages, deliver across social media and press, and automate email marketing news to customers, prospects and key target industry sectors worldwide. Every company has a unique set of goals, and we have the experience and flexibility to build you an engaging strategy.

Unique content writing is especially good for email marketing, website SEO and on-page customer retention. Unique image creation is also very important when looking to build instant visual impact, and when combined with good content, they produce great results.

Design, project development and marketing all benefit from setting objectives that can be achieved, and email marketing is no different, the same process applies. To design and deliver an email marketing campaign, start by thinking about what you want to achieve and how you are going to go about building a customer database. Plan how you are going to get your target audience to sign up for your news, and how you are going to maintain their interest over time. Please remember and respect the GDPR when building your database and sending campaigns, consent is mandatory, and the ability to unsubscribe or update preferences is standard protocol. Setting a clear email marketing plan with realistic objectives will deliver good results and build sustainability, don't rush to get 1000+ subscribers, quality is king over quantity, and will deliver you better analytics for business development.

Before you dip your toes in email marketing, find out about your key industry streams and your target audience. Look at your website's Google Analytics, AWSTATS and your social media platforms, demographics, IP, location, interests and other metrics .... get savvy.

If your company is looking for more advice or considering an email marketing campaign locally or internationally, STUDIO 1 is ready to discuss your objectives. kick-start the process.

Campaign design

sample of customer email campaign design

Recipient link activity

recipient marketing activity

Specific link Activity & Overlay

link activity and data overlay

Worldview monitoring in real-time

snapshot of campiagn in worldview

Opens and clicks over time

Opens and Clicks Over Time


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